Let’s ruin PEGIDA’s birthday!

Saxony sucks

Joint call for action by the groups URA, e*vibes, AusserKontrolle und gruppe polar.

About a year ago the right-wingpopulist PEGIDA marched through Dresden for the first time. Since then there have been gatherings of racists on a daily basis somewherein Saxony. The number of attacks on refugees, their accommodations and their supporters are on the rise, leading to staggering heights, backed by a growing right-wing hegemony. The pogrom-like riots in Heidenau are a symbol of these developments. Over the last few months the anti-fascist interventions aimed at preventing the worst and supporting affected persons on sight as well as the protests of refugees. There are also positive developments: Everywhere people organize themselves in neighborhood-initiatives to support refugees. Many activists help refugees cross borders and thousands demonstrated, also in Dresden for a “culture of welcome”. However, all these initiatives fizzle out under the pressure of toughened asylum-laws and racist terror. They almost seem cynical against the background of tens of thousands of deaths at Europe’s external borders. On October 19, PEGIDA wants to celebrate its first birthday. For us this is a reason to once again concentrate on the heart of the racist beast and prevent Bachmann and his crew from taking even one step without being disturbed.

Germany is not the solution! Continue reading

cafém in October: Drama Workshop

Summer-break is over – the next cafém takes place on 18/10/2015. As usual, there’s a brunch (feel free to bring something vegan or vegetarian), a reading corner with many zines and books, a play area and lots of space and time to chat.
From 3pm it’s time to get ready,…

…steady, go, on_stage!
Yes! First: warming up. Awakening the fun of and desire for acting.
Then: trying out (inside and OUT of yourself)!

With-one-an_other. Wildly, calmly, funnily, earnestly getting into improvisation, getting animated by me, actress, Anna.
Playing with slipping into “alien others’, playing with the ‘familiar peculiarity’.
In a room for women*lesbians*trans folks*inter folks*, in which we can play with topics of gender without being a puppet of gender.

The drama workshop is limited to 10 people, so drop us an e-mail to register: email hidden; JavaScript is required

cafém: 2-8pm
Workshop: 3pm

And here is this month’s poster – so now you can even print it out and hang it up yourselves or send it to all of your friends 🙂


Greetings from Malmö

We had a lot of fun at the CES conference in Malmö (Sweden), shared our thoughts with a lot of comrades from all over europe (and beyond) and made new friends.

We also contributed to two events at the conference. One was the panel with Feminist Fightback about Reproductive Justice, the other one was a workshop about connecting feminist and anticapitalist struggles. Continue reading

“March for life”? – What the fuck!

The time has come again: on 19/09/2915, the next ‘March for life’ takes place in Berlin. Thousands of fundamentalist Christians and pro-lifers will be marching in Berlin, proclaiming their anti-feminist and reactionary positions.

For this reason, the “What the fuck!” federation calls for a demonstration for bodily autonomy and for the blockade of the ‘March for life”.

Demonstration “What the Fuck!”: 19/09/2015, 11am, station S Anhalter Bahnhof (this station has a lift)
call (in German)
Mobivideo (in German)

Demonstration “Bündnis für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung“: 19/09/2015, 11:30am, Brandenburger Tor

Donations for Röszke

Finally our donation is on its way to Röszke – or rather: it’s on its way to those great people who are in Röszke since several days, cooking for refugees. (this is their German FB page).

Please support this campain and, if possible, donate some money!
They’re not only in need of money, but also looking for people who can support them on site.

Name: Residenzpflicht abschaffen GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
IBAN: DE 8143 0609 6782 1991 7100
Betreff: Budapest

we must fight

Schedule for the CES in Malmö

This weekend, Första Linjen published the preliminary schedule for the conference.

The two events with our participation are:

Sat. 19th, 14:00-15:30, together with Feminist Fightback (England)

Fighting for Reproductive Justice – a review on feminist strategies and right-wing attacks

On this panel, activists from GB, Sweden and Germany will talk about the current situation regarding religious and state attacks on our reproduction. Focusing on access to abortion as a barometer of broader capitalist tendencies we will talk about how we can understand the increased level of anti-feminist mobilisations and discuss various feminist strategies in how we should respond.
Even though our actions mainly take place in Europe, we also plan to weave in some information on Latin American struggles.

Sun 20th, 13:30-15:00

Gender and Capitalism – an inevitable love? On the necessity of connecting feminist (and) anticapitalist struggles

After a short input on how we see the correlations of gender and capitalism, we want to split into smaller groups to read texts wich display different approaches to this topic. We would then love to discuss the necessity of connecting feminist and anticapitalist struggles as well as ideas on how those struggles and practices could look like across Europe, worldwide and on a daily basis.

Info stall with cocktails

This saturday during the Hechtfest (festival of the Hechtviertel), we’re having a stall with cocktails (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) and lots of information at the az conni from 4pm. It’s a solidarity stall for our protest in Annaberg-Buchholz and we want to use the money to pay parts of the upcoming legal costs and lawyers’ fees. The police accuses a group of activists of having violated the assembly law by presenting a banner 50m away from the fundementalists’ march. We’re also looking forward to chatting with you!

Connection European Struggles

We are excited to share the call for the CES conference in Sweden, which is organized by Första Linjen. We will also contribute to it – our workshop will be announced soon.

Conference 18-20 september 2015

In 2014 the first Connecting European Struggles conference was held in Lund, Sweden and gathered participants from multiple European countries in order to discuss, connect and mobilize around crisis politics. Now we are calling for the 2015 conference, this time in Malmö, which we hope will build on the previous one and be bigger, better and broader.

For the 2015 conference we have decided to highlight gender issues and feminism in crisis, a perspective that has mostly been lacking in many radical analysis and perspectives on our current situation. Continue reading