Tag Archives: Sex Workers Solidarity

News from Sex Workers Solidarity

The organization informed about the present state of the “prostitute protection act” (Prostituiertenschutzgesetz) in Saxony www.facebook.com/sexworkerssolidarity/posts/1469915186458012. The prostitutes are threated by chaos at council offices, stigmatization and repression instead of the promised protection.

They wrote a text www.facebook.com/sexworkerssolidarity/posts/1473598319423032 in which they call upon to join together against stigmatization.

The draft of the prostitute protection implementation act of Saxony is leaked evibes.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2017/11/Entwurf-S%C3%A4chsProstSchGAG.pdf. It is worked out by the social ministry and was not yet meant to be published. Sex Workers Solidarity stands up for an official debate before the law is passed.