Tag Archives: no means no

Against sexualised violence and racism. Always. Anywhere. #ausnahmslos (“noexcuses”)

We also support this text Against sexualised violence and racism. Always. Anywhere. #ausnahmslos (“noexcuses”):

On the night of New Year’s Eve, numerous women were sexually attacked in public spaces in Cologne and other German cities.. These crimes demand thorough and comprehensive investigations. The prevailing impunity regarding crimes of sexualised violence must end.

We demand that the survivors receive the best possible care and support. We are in solidarity with those who have experienced sexualised violence and harassment.

Who we are (More info on this activist group)

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No Means No – Leaflets

This year, like in the past years, we print “No Means No” – leaflets. For this time we have a cooperation with the Referat Gleichstellungspolitik (Department for equalisation politics of the TU Dresden’s student organisation) and the AZ Conni.
Languages: Spanish, English, German

If you want some just contact us, so we can give some to you. As well it is possible to download and print them yourself.


